Enzo Cucchi, Pietro
How was this project born?
Pietro was supposed to be born.
It’s not the first time that Cucchi interacts with ceramic. What was his dialogue with the material this time?
It excites me because afterwards there is the pleasure of washing the hands…
Has working with ceramic laboratories or, more generally, to be part of a project whose objective is to link the centuries-old elaboration of Ligurian ceramic with contemporariness, affected his work?
Craftsmen keep me company.
Both the tree (Christmas) and the skull encompass various meanings. Which one dominates in this project?
The skull is attached to the tree but, when it falls, it’s not Christmas.
Enzo Cucchi
Pietro by Enzo Cucchi was prototyped in Albisola (Italy) in 2006 on occasion of the 3rd Biennial of Ceramics in Contemporary Art.